Empowering Jewelry Designers & Retailers

Advising independent jewelers and small shops to start their sustainability journey by deciding on values, taking stock of their processes & suppliers and easing into continual improvement.

Go to Essentials Consulting Package

We support companies of all shapes and sizes 

We provide the support and guidance needed no matter where your company is on your responsible sourcing and sustainability journeys. This is how we go about helping you:

  • Easy to use framework to evaluate your suppliers and their sustainability claims
  • Do-it-yourself system to track and systematize materials and supplies
  • Simple method to craft claims and engage with consumers

What to expect:

We meet with each client through our Introductory Call, to get to know the specific needs and goals of each business. During this initial consultation, we ask a lot of questions aimed at identifying the client’s values, current practices, and goals.

We listen carefully to uncover what each client needs so we can better tailor our services to their benefit.

All conversations and work are kept completely confidential.

jewelry designer at her desk sketching

If You're a Jewelry Designer:

No matter what you are working through, we are here to help, at your pace.

As a starting point, we offer our Essentials Consulting Package tailored to your personal ethos and to your business capacity.

Essentials Consulting Package

In a nut shell:

  • Clarify your guiding principles and vision for responsible sourcing.
  • Structure responsible sourcing policies and a process for vetting of suppliers and vendors.
  • Revise business operations in light of sustainability goals.
  • Review communications and claims on public facing platforms.
  • Develop basic guidelines for a continuous improvement roadmap.
Go To Essentials Consulting Package

How we’ll work together:

  • We are a small, focused consultancy helping clients meet their responsible sourcing goals while also creating a movement.
  • When you work with us, know that we are out in the world setting expectations for best practice and supporting the concept of continuous improvement.
  • We encourage companies to engage in sourcing approaches that have a positive impact on communities at every step of the jewelry supply chain. This means you’ll have something special to say about your jewelry.
  • We value feedback and clear communication. The door is always open to share ideas for how we can improve the way we help you meet your goals. As a project gets underway we schedule regular calls to ensure that both teams are on the same page and understand what each other is doing to support your goals. We’ll check in with you formally at mid-project to evaluate how we’re doing and at the end to see how we’ve done.
  • We keep all client information private.
  • We are not lawyers. We recommend the legal review of final documents, i.e. Code of Conduct, to ensure you are protected.

Choose Which Advisory Call Suits You Best

We offer 3 distinctive calls depending on your needs, where you are on your responsible sourcing journey and the size of your business.

Take a look and pick what's best for you.

Advisory Calls

Rose-Marie Goodman

Robert Goodman Jewelers

"Christina and Maggie have been very instrumental and helpful in exploring and implementing ways that reflect Robert Goodman Jewelers' commitment to social justice surrounding the sources and processes involved in creating a piece of jewelry. We continue with Christina's consulting company with great confidence. "

Katharina testimonial

Katharina Tinkl

Tinkl Illustration

"When I started making jewellery and before I had my consultation with Christina and Maggie, I unintentionally was guilty of this too (greenwashing).  But, talking with them made me aware of what to watch out for and that transparency on your effort is key."

Cate Claus

Thesis Gems

"I would work with Christina and Maggie in the blink of an eye. With their keen insight in the field of sustainable gold and gem mining they offered truly invaluable and concrete tools for navigating the complex world of ethical jewelry."

Foundations for Sustainable Jewelry Practice

Become a jewelry industry changemaker!

The course is designed for jewelry industry professionals, business owners and staff, students, artists, hobbyists - anyone interested in sustainable jewelry practices, how to implement them, and how to communicate about them.

No matter where you are in your journey with responsible and sustainable jewelry, this course will give you actionable steps to help shape a jewelry industry we can all truly be proud of.

Let's Get Started!

After we work together you will:

Feel confident about the materials you use and claims you make.

Comfortably talk with your customers about your materials.

Authentically market your efforts to show customers your hard work.

Increase the positive impact of your business to the greater jewelry supply chain.

Increase connections with your suppliers and manufacturers.

Make your product more meaningful and attractive.

Make your business’ impact a positive one.

Go to Essentials Consulting Package

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